Whats New
This is where the latest products ideas and updates are found I design these in
CAD test in the lab and the real world. Feedback and ideas are always welcome.
Updates and ideas:
2018-2-X Take down loop for hiking and portable use.
2010-1-X Prototype squashed driver loop testing
2017-1-6 Investigate and profile the figure 8 dual loop model.
2017-1-6 Investigate low frequency limits with the dual loop.
2017-1-6 Investigate switched 180 deg phase loops and dual loops with phase harness.
2017-1-6 44cm size VHF versions are in development for 20 to 60Mhz [27/28/29/and 6m ham bands]
2017-1-5 Investigating copper coatings and silver connection points for enhanced performance.
2017-1-3 High country testing was an outstanding success. They all called it a stargate !
2016-12-16 finished this site now to fix the domain hosting and Email
2016-12-17 working on the remote tune electronics/ 1st prototype works good.
2016-12-15 Reverse engineering Icoms CAT protocol for remote tune capability.
2016-12-18 Beta Pro-loop kits will be available in the new year 1m then 44cm VHF versions as well.
2016-12-X Testing many types of copper loop sizes for HF & optimizing the drive loop.
2017-1-6 Bandwidth testing dual loops in the lab. The dual loops gives more bandwidth [In parallel] and the series lower frequencies.
More Pro-loop secrets to come I think.